Friday 7 July 2017

W/C 03.07.17

It has been a super hot week and we have been making the most of it spending lots of time in the garden. The children have shown a particular interest in pirate play this week. We have created games and scenarios, following children's interests. Hunting for treasure in the garden, running away from the bad pirates and sailing away on our ship.
"Oooooh arrrrr"
" Quick lets find the treasure"

The children have also been on a number of bear hunts around the garden with Charley.
Inside at the art wall, we have focused on measurements. Adults have been modelling size vocabulary for example "how tall are you?, This is long? Are you bigger or smaller?". Children have enjoyed finding objects around the room for example blocks or car track to see how many pieces they need to match there height.

We have had scissors set up on the lino. Children have been busy practising holding scissors, using the correct movements to create snips in the paper.

The mud kitchen has continued to be a hit with all children. We have added varies materials for example lentils, pasta and rice to the area. Our friends have enjoyed mixing, using spoons and filling ups pots and pans with different creations.