June 2014 in the 2-3's Room

We have been making the most of the (mainly) sunny weather this month with lots of exciting things happening in our garden. We have been making sure that the plants get enough to drink in this hot sunshine by helping to water them and they are doing well. Lots of fruit and vegetables are ready to be picked and eaten. Many of us have enjoyed picking beans and peas, 'popping' them out of their pods and sharing them at snack time. The children have also enjoyed tasting home grown beetroot and courgettes at teatime.

We have not been alone in the garden this month, we have spotted lots of creatures outside, including a frog. The children collected some rainwater, mud and leaves to put in with the frog to make it comfortable and everybody got a good look at him before we set the frog free at the back of the garden.
This month also saw a visit from one of Mary's chickens. The children loved to watch the hen which was brought in during our 'Little Red Hen' themed week. As well as reading and discussing the traditional story we baked bread, did some feather painting and even discovered some eggs that the hen had laid.
We are so lucky to have our large outdoor area here at Watcombe and would love to share our garden with parents and families. If anybody has an interest in gardening, 'green-fingers' or even some unwanted seeds or plants please do speak to your Keyworker about joining us this summer.