Friday, 8 August 2014

Summer Holidays in the 2-3's Room

 Messy Summer Fun!
 We've had an exciting and mucky month in the 2-3's room this summer using all of our senses to explore the things around us. We have been baking mud pies in the garden, making marks in flour and watching colours mix in sticky mashed potato! The children had so much fun exploring different textures that we decided to put them all together for a texture walk in our bare feet!The children loved actively engaging with cornflakes, pasta and even toothpaste and were all keen to take their shoes and socks off to jump in.

Messy, sensory activities are so beneficial to a child's emotional development, will expand their vocabulary and help them to begin to think critically about the world around them. With some old clothes, a large mat or just a big outdoor space the clean-up can be kept to a minimum while the fun factor is at a maximum. At WCCN we believe that children learn most effectively through these messy, tactile experiences that they can completely immerse themselves in and ask that children bring in lots of changes of old clothing to allow them to get 'stuck in' to whatever they fancy.

The children have also been very interested in our slimy friend, Sid the land snail. They love to feed him cucumber and apple that is left over at snack time. This month the children helped him to move into a new, bigger home, full of mud, rocks and leaves that they collected from the garden. Sid seems very happy with his new home and the 2-3's have been eager to show the other children and adults the brand new aquarium.