Merry Christmas from the 2-3's!
Christmas 2014
We're all looking forward to the holidays here in the 2-3's room. The children have been keen to talk about Santa coming to their house and have been compiling 'lists' of their wishes to post through our post box using words and pictures. Some children very kindly added presents for their Mummy's and siblings to these lists for Santa.
You may have noticed our lovely Christmas tree that is on display in the main hallway. All of the children have been busy using glitter, glue and tinsel to make decorations to hang on the tree. Jake and Max took charge of decorating the tree, they sang' Jingle Bells' and discussed the different shaped decorations. Jake was certain that the tree should have "a star on the top" so we made one ourselves from gold paper to put up.
Don't forget, term starts again on 5th January 2015. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.