Wednesday 14 January 2015

New Year 2015- Making Friends

January 2015

Happy New Year to everyone from the 2-3's. We have been very excited to return to nursery and see our friends once again. The children have been full of stories about Santa bringing them presents and some were surprised to hear he had visited  their friends houses too!
A new term sees some new faces at nursery and we have some new starters who are settling in well. Our new children are getting to know their keyworkers and are beginning to join in play with the other children. Some of the boys spent lots of time working together to build a tower, taking it in turns to add a brick to the 'top'. We encourage the children to work together in small groups in the setting to begin to share and to learn from each other.

 Some have been 'flying to space' while other have simply taken the 'car to the shops'.

The children love to interact with their friends during song time and their favourites are 'Row, Row, Row your Boat' and 'Five Currant Buns' which allow them to choose a friend to sing and dance with. Activities like these help children to form positive relationships, develop respect for others and develop social skills which will aid them in their learning and improve well being at nursery and beyond.