Wednesday 21 October 2015

Autumn is here!

The children have been very busy with lots of autumn activities this month. They have been on a hunt in the garden for lots of crunchy leaves, and then sticking them on our art wall.
During the week they went on a lovely autumn walk to the local woods, once there they explored the environment around them searching for items to take back to nursery. We collected ''big leaves'' and ''big sticks''. It was a sensory experience as they felt the different textures around them; such as bumpy sticks, the wet grass and listened to the crunchy leaves as the stood on them. They also enjoyed listening to the different sounds and were quick to hear ''the birds up in the trees''.
We are in the process of making our own scarecrow for our garden. The children have been helping to make it, using old clothes and newspaper!
This month the children have been really quick to pick up on Makaton signs that the adults have been using. They have been modelled during play, story time and song time. Story time has especially been enjoyable as the children remained focused and have been trying very hard to copy the signs. They now know the signs ''Mummy'', ''Daddy'', ''dog'', ''cat'' and ''window''.