Thursday 12 November 2015

Our Dummy Tree

Our Dummy Tree!

You may have noticed our "Dummy Tree" as you walk into the nursery (by the photocopier) and it has started to grow with a whopping 14 dummies on it. We have had some very brave children (and parents!)  give their dummies away to help the tree grow bigger and bigger.

There is a "Dump the dummy, bin the bottle" display just above the dummy tree which is full of help and advice as to the importance of decreasing dummy and bottle use, and the affects it can have on not only their oral health but their speech and language development.

This time of year is a great opportunity to get rid of the dummy or bottle; wrapping it up and putting it under the Christmas tree in exchange for something else, or tying it to the Christmas tree for another child to have.

If your eager to have them gone sooner, then please come and tie them to our tree. Get your child excited about doing this and in exchange they can have one of our dummy stickers, or something you think would be suitable.