Wednesday 3 February 2016

January '16'

Welcome back!


This children have eagerly got back into the swing of things, and have settled well!
At key group times we have been particularly focusing and supporting children within the prime areas of The Early Years curriculum: - 'Physical Development' (PD)
                                      - 'Communication and Language' (CL)
                                      - 'Personal, Social and  Emotional Development'. (PSED)
Activities have included; PSED
                                                   'Have you filled a bucket today?'
Key people have been introducing to the children, a way of expressing our feelings. This has been incorporated in the form of a 'bucket'. A feelings bucket, that is used as a way of describing what makes us happy and what makes us sad etc.. The bucket is not necessarily a real object, but a term to use.
Our bucket can become empty if things happen that makes us sad, but can re-fill if something has happened to make us happy. We can use a phrase like this;  
      "That has filled my bucket as you have been so kind to your friends."
The children have responded well to this, and some are already using this approach at home.
Image result for filled a bucket today
                                                     'Whats in the box?'
This is an activity, where children are shown a selection of everyday objects, and they are given chance to explore them, naming and describing what they feel like and what they might be used for.