Wednesday 16 December 2015

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....(Pandas and Koalas)

The past few weeks we have been getting in the festive spirit and the children have been getting involved with a variety of fun and activities.

We decorated the nursery with tinsel and other decorations that children helped to make, such as paper chains and they helped to put them onto our Christmas tree.

The pandas have been creating Christmas cards to take home; they used their feet to explore the paint and make footprints which were then transformed into mice (with a little help from Lottie).

The koalas have had a choice of what type of Christmas card they would like to make, using hand prints, glitter, sequins and many other materials.

Last Wednesday we had our Christmas lunch which was roast turkey with all the trimmings, the staff were all included in the feast too so it was a lovely opportunity to all sit together, listen to Christmas music and see what surprises were in our crackers.


You may have noticed your child singing some new festive songs; we have been singing some traditional Christmas songs along with some adaptations of some classic nursery rhymes such as "5 Christmas trees" in the tune of "5 currant buns"; they have learnt them well and seem better than the adults! In our book corners we have also dug out our Christmas books which the children love to read.

Across the nursery we have been exploring paint using red, green, gold and silver and a variety of tools; using cotton buds really helped to support the children's fine motor skills. We have also used a variety of Christmas stampers and of course exploring the paint with their hands is always a hit!

There has been a lot of baking with a lovely aroma of ginger bread wafting around the nursery; the children have made some very impressive treats which they have been able to ice and take home. There will be some more baking next week for the children that are in (last day for funded children is Friday 18th December)