Friday, 19 August 2016

Summer Holidays continued.....

Summer Time (part two)
We have all been continuing to make the most of the warm weather and have been spending lots of time outdoors in our garden, as well as going on walks to the local areas including the park and Brunel Woods.
We also have been having our snacks and lunch out in our garden.
So therefore the children have had plenty of opportunities to enjoy their outdoor environment :)



The children have been a part of building their own obstacle course, using their developing physical skills to negotiate the space around them. 

They have also brought forward their own ideas such as moving the tyres around and using them as tunnels.
Using our senses to explore our plants such as lavender and basil.

 Caring for our pets
The children have been a part of caring for the vegetables including; helping to water them, picking them when they are ready and washing them. Some of our fresh vegetables have been added to our yummy snacks and lunch as well as being picked for you to try them at home.

Role play experiences
The children have displayed an interest in posting their toys into several areas, we have extended on this play by incorporating a 'post office' experience where the children have been able to continue this play and act out actions witnessed and experienced previously such as posting letters into a post box. They have enjoyed dressing up as post office workers. We have also added clipboards and crayons for the children to create their own pictures to post in our nursery post box.   

Some of children have made pictures to post home. They enjoyed a little visit to the post box and to the Post Office.


We have also enjoyed a selection of activities inside such as our 'small world' play, using pirate ships, pirates and other small world play such as houses an cars to extend on their imaginative play and critical thinking as they problem solve, seeing what can fit where as well as creating their own play using the props.


 Categorising colours using dried coloured pasta.


We have been welcoming some friends that have moved over from the Pandas (0-2's) they have settled in well :)