Shaving foam:
As an extension of our painting with cars activity last week, this week we had shaving foam in the texture tray. We initially started with just shaving foam in the tray and encouraged children to make marks using there hands and fingers. We then added tools such as sticks, cars and brushes to create marks in different ways.
Balancing beams:
We have had the balancing beams set up in the garden this week. Adults supported children to walk along the beams or jump from spot to spot without falling off. This was a great activity to promote core strength and turn taking.
A trip to the woods:
A small group of children visited the woods with Sonia and Chloe on Wednesday morning. Our friends took a journey stick with them, this was to support children's story telling and mapping. On there adventure to the woods the children collected lots of items along the way to put with there journey stick. They even saw a friendly frog hoping along the ground! When our friends got back to nursery we talked about what we had found with the journey stick and what we had seen whilst out at the woods.