Friday, 30 September 2016

W/C 26.09.16: A busy September week!

Its been another busy, fun filled week at nursery! A small group of children have been on outings to Brunel woods with Sonia, Jennie, Charley and Chloe, continuing to use our story sticks. We have been exploring lots of different wet and dry textures including jelly baff, rice, and lentils. Children have demonstrated a lot of interest in construction this week especially focusing on the magnetic shapes, building houses for small world people and animals. We have enjoyed splashing in the puddles in the garden, adding bubbles. 

Visits to Brunel woods:

The children have continued to go on outings this week to Brunel woods. Our friends has really grasped the meaning of story/journey sticks, using them to retell what they had collected and seen during there time at the woods. Children have collected leaves, conkers, pine cones and twigs. On return to nursery the children have spent 10 minutes reflecting in a small group on there experiences at the woods.

Messy play exploring wet and dry textures: 

Inside the children have been busy in the texture tray looking at a variety materials including coloured shaving foam, jelly baff and dried rice and lentils. This has been a great messy activity and the children have loved exploring and the varying textures with there hands. The children have taken different approaches to looking at the textures, some choosing to put there hands straight in and others being a bit more cautious.

Collecting tomatoes from the green house:

Our friends at nursery have been helping adults to collect tomatoes from the garden this week.

A rainy week:

With all the rain this week, we have got some great puddles to jump in, in the garden. Our friends have had lots of fun! Please remember splash suits don't keep all the water out so ensure you have packed lots of spare changes of clothes. Some of the children have also showed a keen interest in the water pump and water channels. Our friends have been focusing on transporting water around the sand area, working together to achieve goals. Children extended there play adding cars to the guttering, moving them so they would roll along into the sand.