We've had a busy week exploring a variety of activities both indoors and out...
Outdoors ...
Water play has been a particular interest out in the garden this week. We have been experimenting with the water pump; using a variety of pots and containers to catch the water as it flows down the wooden channels ...
We've also enjoyed using small cups and teapots to pour water from the water tray, watching intently as it splashes upon the ground ...
The children have also shown a strong interest in our climbing equipment, using manoeuvring and negotiating skills.
The children have been exploring stop and go activities using bikes developing skills to follow instructions.
Our friends also took part in a in activity using the children's camera, walking around the garden taking pictures of items of interest.
Indoors ...
We've enjoyed accessing our art wall this week to create marks using a selection of different materials and tools. We used cotton buds, paint rollers and patterned stamps when making our marks ...
Another firm favourite this week has been our rice play ...
We've enjoyed using a selection of scoops and yoghurt tubs to practice filling and emptying...
In our role play corner this week, we recreated a builders/construction yard, filled with builders' tools, hard hats, visor jackets and a selection of construction materials, including: duplo, mobilo and large wooden and foam bricks.
Some of us enjoyed taking on the role of the builder and 'going off to work' while others have been busy constructing towers and building houses ...
Visits to Brunel Woods:
Small groups of children have continued to take trips to Brunel woods, exploring journey/story sticks and having snack under the trees.