First of all, we'd like to say a big thank you to the parents who came in for 'Stay and Play'- it was lovely to see the children engaging with their parents and showing them their favourite things to do at nursery ....
Out in the garden this week, the children have continued to show an interest in water play, transporting water from the water pump down the channels, into the sand pit creating large puddles. The children also enjoyed collecting rhubarb leaves with Sonia, our friends danced around, waving the leaves in the air.
The children helped to make chocolate crispy cakes for our pudding. We took it in turns to pour cornflakes into our bowls, we then added melted chocolate and mixed the dry and wet textures together. We added syrup to make the mixture nice and sticky. We enjoyed eating them after lunch.
We have made a couple trips to Brunel woods and the children enjoyed using the children own camera to take photos of interesting objects.