Thursday, 19 January 2017

Week commencing: 16.01.17

The children have enjoyed a busy week, exploring a variety of activities of activities both inside and out. We have continued to welcome new children, who have been busy getting to know peers and key people.

Group Times:

During the week the children have focused times with there key person/s, this is before lunch and after tea. This week we have been...

Green Group:

The green group have been looking at two different activities with Katie and Kerry. The first activity has been exploring play dough with dried pasta. Encouraging children to talk about what they can feel. The second activity was all about building relationships, so the children have been looking at family photos and reading familiar stories.

Red Group:

The red group have focused on building using the food Duplo blocks with Sonia and Jennie. They have been creating yummy cakes and other food items, supporting there imaginative skills.


Yellow Group:

The yellow group have been using tweezers to practise fine motor skills picking up small figurines. The group started by practising without the tweezers, Charley and Chloe demonstrated the pincer 'snap, snap' action with there fingers. Once confident the children then used the tweezers. This activity also promised counting skills and colour recognition.

Pink Group:

As an extension from last weeks activity reading the 'little red hen' book, this week the children in the pink group have been making bread with Amy, Bella and Hayley. The children started of the week, making dough, mixing ingredients and feeling the different textures. Towards the end of the week the children made there own bread rolls! Yummy.


If your child has had or is due there 2 year old check with the health visitor, please can you bring in there red book for us to see. So we are able to put there integrated 2 year old review forms in. Thank you