Friday, 27 January 2017
W/C: 23.01.17
This week our role play corner has been set up as a 'caring for others' area. The children have taken on different roles such as doctors and vets and have also been acting out familiar home life experiences, looking after dolls. This area has been extremely popular with all children, lots of them returning back to extend play experiences throughout the day. As this area has been such a hit we are going to continue this on into next week.
The art wall turned into a car track this week, with the children enjoying making marks with paints and small cars. This was an extension from the children's interest the previous week, making marks with cars and crayons.
Small groups of children have been busy baking yummy biscuits with Chloe this week. This activity was a great way to practise mathematical skills, pouring and scooping ingredients and looking at different quantities. The children each took it in turns to mix the ingredients, rolling out the dough and cutting individual shapes.
Lots of fun had by all :)