Thursday, 27 April 2017

W.C 24.04.17

It has been a busy start to the half term and we have welcomed lots of new faces to the 2-3s room. They have been settling in, meeting key workers and making lots of new friends. Starting nursery can be a bit daunting, so we appreciate all the information about you give us about your child's routines. This helps us build a profile of them and ease the transition into the setting. The transition into nursery can be just as scary for you parents, so please feel free to always ask questions to staff and key workers, we have plenty of different techniques and strategy's that can be put in place to help your child settle.  

In our role play corner this week with have provided opportunities to explore the fancy dress costumes. This has been a firm favourite with all the boys and girls. Children have taken on different roles such as princesses and Spider-Man.

Another favourite this week has been the water tray. Scoops, bottles and funnels were provided for children to practise pouring and transporting water in different ways.

The children have continued to assist adults in the garden, maintaining flower beds and planting different seeds. The green group have extended this within there group time, making there own flower pots.