Friday 23 June 2017

Healthy Eating Week: 12.06.17

Healthy eating week was full to the brim of interesting and exciting activities. The children learnt lots about different fruits and vegetables, where our food comes from and much, much more.

Group times:

This weeks group times were all based around healthy eating. Key workers devised a variety of activities, focusing on different areas of food and healthy eating.

The red group explored which fruit and vegetables had seeds in. Children used tweezers and there fingers to open up the fruits and vegetables to see what seeds they could find. They looked at peppers, pomegranates and tomatoes.

The green group were looking at where familiar fruit and vegetables come from, what foods are good for us and where fruit and vegetables grow.


The pink group looked at different pictures of food. Children took it in turns to choose items of food out of a bag, they were encouraged to talk about what they had.

 Smoothie making:

A group of children took part in a smoothie making activity during the week. We firstly chopped up strawberries and kiwi. The children then took it in turns to scoop yogurt in the mixture. We then poured milk in using small jugs and blended it all together.

Painting with fruit and vegetables:

Inside we had a craft activity set up. Using items such as potatoes, corn on the cobs and apples, the children were encouraged to mark make freely. Some children enjoyed rolling whilst others stamped with there tools.

Another popular craft activity was painting with fruit tea bags. The children dipped the tea bags into warm water and then rubbed them across the paper, creating lots of marks and colours.