Wednesday 16 August 2017

Our trip to Teignmouth and Shaldon 15.08.17

We started our journey to Teignmouth by catching the bus along the coast road. We waited in the bus stop eagerly for our bus to arrive and once it did the children waved to make it stop. One of the aims of the trip was to focus on different forms of transport, so the children were encouraged to name what they could see. We boarded the bus and our adventure started.

We arrived in Teignmouth and headed straight for the triangle for a picnic snack. We chatted about our bus journey, and refuelled with some banana and a drink.


We then walked along the seafront and looked at all the different displays people had made out of recycled items for the Teignmouth Regatta. The children loved seeing the amazing creations for example we saw a lighthouse and the St Georges dragon. Our friends also enjoyed looking out to sea, spotting lots of boats, ships and jet ski's.

We made our way up to the lighthouse, the children were excited to climb the spiral staircase all the way to the top. We would like thank the Harbour Commissioners office for letting us visit the lighthouse. 


We then stopped for a picnic lunch on the Den. We enjoyed yummy sandwiches, fruit, yogurts and flapjack. We continued to see a variety of transport including an ambulance and a pink car.


After lunch we went and visited the lifeboat station. The children were able to see the big lifeboat as well as the tractor that helps to launch the lifeboat in an emergency.

After visiting the lifeboat we excitedly waited for the ferry over to Shaldon. The children loved the trip on the boat, we spotted lots of sailing boats, fishing boats and speed boats on our journey.

 Once in Shaldon we enjoyed a paddle and play on the beach. We then headed to the play park on the river and finished with a yummy ice cream in the Clipper café before heading back to nursery on the bus.


On behalf of myself (Lottie), Jade, Jennie and Charley we had a wonderful time and we were overwhelmed by the lovely comments from members of the public on how brilliant the children were. We had lots and lots of fun and we hope you enjoy reading this blog.