Friday 16 March 2018

W/C 12.03.18

We have had a super busy week in the 2-3's room! The children have enjoyed exploring a large range of activities!
Baking fun:
Our role play area has been set up as a cake shop this week. Our friends have been baking up a storm. As an extension of these we made real cakes.

Exploring dry textures:

As an extension from previous weeks activities exploring different textures, this week we have had the texture set up with coloured rice and dry pasta.

Caring for our Guinea Pigs:
The children have also been particularly interested in the nursery Guinea Pig's this week: Bella and Anna. We set up an area in the garden for them to have a run around, children enjoyed feeding them yummy vegetables and giving them lots of cuddles.

Turbo is back!

Our pet African Land Snail Turbo has just come out of hibernation. He has been staying at Sonia's house during the last few months, having a good sleep! The children have welcomed him back and have been busy setting up his little home, making sure he has plenty of food and water. We have also been spraying his shell to keep him nice and wet.

Mark making:
Over at our art wall the children have been continuing to create art with paint. This was very messy! Some friends enjoyed finding items around the room to create marks, including a cardboard tube. 

Splashing at the water pump:
Our friends have shown a particular interest in transporting water in the garden this week. We used guttering to make different water channels at the water pump. Our friends had to think hard how to connect the different parts to enable the water to flow.

Some snaps from the week....