Friday 9 March 2018

February and the start of March.

It has been a busy month in the 2-3's room, the children have been enjoying a wide range of activities in both the indoor and outdoor environments...

Role Play:

Our home corner has continued to be a firm favourite with all children. One of our role play themes this month has been doctors and nurses. Our friends have been using different equipment such stethoscopes, bandages and thermometers, taking on the role of a doctor. We extended children's play by adding dressing up costumes to wear and dolls to care for.  

Following on from children's interests in caring for dolls, we set up a number of activities to extend this. Children enjoyed bathing the dolls, feeding and dressing. Some children even took the opportunity to visit the 0-2's room and help to feed some of the babies at lunch time.

Sensory play/messy play activities:

As a setting we can't promote messy and sensory play enough. It is part of our daily practice and the room is never set up without some sort of sensory activity. Our art wall is has been a focus for mark making with paint this month and children have really enjoyed creating with a variety of tools including stamps, brushes and our hands. 

 In the side room we have had the tuff trays set up with dried cereals, oats and glitter. Alongside that we have had water play, supported with different scoops and containers. 

 Garden play:

All the children were very excited when the snow started last week, we were very eager to go and explore the cold, fluffy snow! We hope you all had lots of fun in the snow too. 

Our friends have also enjoyed spending time in the mud kitchen, rustling up dinner and creating potions using mud, leaves and natural items from the garden.

Some snaps from the month...