Friday 29 June 2018

Outdoor experiences

We've been incredibly lucky with the warm, sunny weather recently, which has meant that the children have been able to make the most of their time out in the garden.
Some children have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in mini sports day activities within their key group time. A few of their favourite events have been; running races, an egg and spoon race, an obstacle course and races involving balls, bean bags and balancing small hoops. 

At the end of their activities, the children spent some time winding down by enjoying an ice lolly. 


The mud kitchen continues to be an area of interest outside, where the children enjoy being imaginative making cakes and mud pies. 


Some children have also enjoyed helping Sonia to care for our vegetable patches and the various plants and fruits within our greenhouse. As you can see, our onions were ready to be picked … 


We also captured some of these lovely moments too...