Friday 8 June 2018

W/C 29.05.18 and W/C 04.06.18

W/C 29.05.18: Half term...

During half term week the children enjoyed spending the majority of there time in the garden! We had lots of fun activities set up including box play, balancing and small world trucks in the mud! Inside we enjoyed soft play, practising our rolling and jumping skills. 

Our friends used long boxes as tunnels...

W/C 04.06.18....

We have had the bath set up on our lino area this week. Children have enjoyed caring for dolls, using bubbly water in the bath to wash them. 

Garden fun...

This week in the garden the children's imaginations have been thriving! We have had a huge range of activities going on all stemming from children's interests. The mud kitchen has been a firm favourite, children have been busy conjuring up potions using natural materials. Superheroes have also been of interest, our friends have been making capes and masks out of paper. Children extended this play by creating a bat den in the corner! 

Another favourite this week in the garden has been bug hunting. Our friends made there own binoculars and ventured around the environment seeing what creatures they could see. 

On the concrete area this week we have an a jelly activity set up. We have been busy investigating the gloopy, cold texture of the jelly, this was lots of fun!

The children have been continuing to help Sonia maintain the garden this week, watering all of our plants and vegetables that are growing. 

Snaps from the week...