Friday 31 August 2018

A trip to Shaldon: 23.08.18

Our trip to Shaldon…
We started our adventure at the bus stop...the children eagerly waited for the bus enjoying spotting different vehicles such as lorries, cars and vans. The children waved the bus down as it approached and we climbed on board and got our tickets. Our friends excitedly watched out the window as we made our way to Shaldon.

On arrival we made our way to the village green and had a yummy picnic snack. Afterwards we headed up to the Botanical gardens, the children climbed the steps to the large wooden doors and were excited to explore. We made our way through the tree's and found a hidden pond. Our friends spotted lots of creatures including a dragonfly and fish.

After a picnic lunch and an afternoon snooze by the castle we walked down to get a yummy ice cream by the beach.

Our friends then had lots of fun on the beach, exploring the sand and throwing pebbles into the sea.

We finished at the beach and headed to the park for tea, before making our way back to the bus and nursery.