Friday 7 September 2018

W/C; 3/9/18

It's been a quiet week on the 2-3s and the children have mainly spent their time engaging in the various mark making activities that we've had set out … 

Our art wall area invited the children to investigate making marks in paint, with a selection of tools, such as; cotton buds, lollipop sticks, sponges, wooden blocks and also paintbrushes... 

To continue their mark making opportunities, the children also enjoyed visiting the clay table, where they were able to manipulate the clay using water and their hands, alongside using paint brushes and other tools to make marks in it... 

Outside, some children enjoyed visiting the vegetable patch to observe the runner beans we have growing. While others became engaged in using our wooden climbing equipment to experiment with climbing 'over', 'under', 'along' and 'across'...