Monday 29 October 2018


You may have noticed that the recent blogs have been posted on the 'News blog' page. These blogs will now be taking over from the individual room blogs that have been posted previously. The news blogs will be posted on a daily basis and cover all area's of the nursery. The blogs will feature pictures, handy information, dates for the diary and much more. 

Many Thanks,

The Nursery Team  

Friday 7 September 2018

W/C; 3/9/18

It's been a quiet week on the 2-3s and the children have mainly spent their time engaging in the various mark making activities that we've had set out … 

Our art wall area invited the children to investigate making marks in paint, with a selection of tools, such as; cotton buds, lollipop sticks, sponges, wooden blocks and also paintbrushes... 

To continue their mark making opportunities, the children also enjoyed visiting the clay table, where they were able to manipulate the clay using water and their hands, alongside using paint brushes and other tools to make marks in it... 

Outside, some children enjoyed visiting the vegetable patch to observe the runner beans we have growing. While others became engaged in using our wooden climbing equipment to experiment with climbing 'over', 'under', 'along' and 'across'... 

Friday 31 August 2018

A trip to Shaldon: 23.08.18

Our trip to Shaldon…
We started our adventure at the bus stop...the children eagerly waited for the bus enjoying spotting different vehicles such as lorries, cars and vans. The children waved the bus down as it approached and we climbed on board and got our tickets. Our friends excitedly watched out the window as we made our way to Shaldon.

On arrival we made our way to the village green and had a yummy picnic snack. Afterwards we headed up to the Botanical gardens, the children climbed the steps to the large wooden doors and were excited to explore. We made our way through the tree's and found a hidden pond. Our friends spotted lots of creatures including a dragonfly and fish.

After a picnic lunch and an afternoon snooze by the castle we walked down to get a yummy ice cream by the beach.

Our friends then had lots of fun on the beach, exploring the sand and throwing pebbles into the sea.

We finished at the beach and headed to the park for tea, before making our way back to the bus and nursery.

Friday 24 August 2018

A busy few weeks

We've had another busy couple of weeks over on the 2-3s side...

We were really lucky to have the Fire Brigade visit us with their fire engine. We were able to sit inside the engine and pretend to drive, while listening to the siren. The firemen also invited us to use the fire hose, which was particularly fun! 


We've also had a walk down to the local park, where we enjoyed sharing the 'Yoga Babies' story and imitating the different yoga positions pictured in the book. 


We've continued to help Sonia care for the garden, including the fruit and vegetables in the greenhouse and vegetable beds and the herbs in our herb garden. 



Mark- making has been a particular favourite too- using food colouring mixed with water to create marks.