Friday 31 October 2014

Half Term 2014

Adventures in Teignmouth!

Some of our 2-3's and Holiday Club children took an exciting trip to Teignmouth this half term. We walked up to the bus stop to catch the number 11 bus which took us over the bridge to Teignmouth.

Once we got there we met up with Humphrey the Harbour Master who kindly opened up the lighthouse for us to explore. Most of the children climbed up the steps that went "around and around" to see the light at the top. They also got a great view of the sea and all the diggers and workmen working to fix the harbour wall. 

We then stopped for a picnic lunch, before children were allowed to explore the equipment on the play park. The roundabout was very popular, with all the children taking turns to push each other around and shouting "faster" and "slower". The slide was also a big hit with children shouting "Ready, steady, go!" before sliding to the bottom. 

We then warmed up with a little treat, some ring doughnuts, before catching the ferry boat over to Shaldon. Then some tired but happy children (and adults) caught the number 11 bus back to nursery, bursting with stories about their adventures