Monday 6 October 2014

W/C 29th September

We have had a a fun filled few weeks in the 2-3's room this month. As well as our new starters we have had some very special guests join us at nursery. 

Alex's Mummy, Helen very kindly brought in Ben, Alex's brother, to show the children how to bath and care for small babies. With lots of Mums expecting at the moment this was a great opportunity for big brothers and sisters to-be to get some practice and all of our children enjoyed watching and helping to bath Baby Ben.

 Dolls and babies are always a popular toy in the 2-3's room and the children love to bath, dress and feed the dolls in our role play area. It was great to see them sharing what they know and learning new things from one of our parents. 

Parents are always welcome to come in and play at nursery and we are keen for any parents with 'special skills' to come and share them with the children. Musical instruments are very popular with the children so any musicians who could come along to play the guitar or keyboard would be most welcome. Any skills that you could share would be appreciated though, we could always do with a hand in the garden, and would be happy to have parents come in to cook and bake with the children.