Characteristics of Effective Learning
. The 2-3's have settled well into our nursery routine and are keen to explore all the areas available to them. All of our children are showing signs of 'Effective Learning' during their play. This includes engagement with their play. They are keen to 'have a go' and will engage in open ended activities for long periods of time, whether that be building towers or rolling balls down tubes whilst shouting 'Ready, steady, go!'

The children show motivation during their play as they persist in achieving their own goals. You can see the concentration on their faces as they thread buttons and post pasta to develop their fine motor skills. When they succeed in these goals their pride is obvious to see and it encourages them to continue their 'can do' attitude.

The children have also shown us how they can think critically by making links between their experiences and choosing their own, new methods of exploring the world. Using counting snakes to explore not only number but also length and height as they laid down to measure themselves against each snake.

The children have been using these learning skills to mix, mould and decorate some salt dough hearts as a little present for those that are special to them. The children were very certain about who they wanted to give these presents to, with Mum's, Grandma's and brothers and sisters receiving a special token from our 2-3's this month.