Tuesday 7 July 2015

July 2015

This week, Amy and Maria have planned some very exciting activities to appeal to all of the children in the 2-3's room. 

As we look through the photos taken, we can see just how busy and engaged the children have been.

 Our baby role play area has proven very popular, children have recreated experiences from their own home lives and shown their health and self care skills by washing, changing and feeding the dollies.

We have focussed on 'block colour' in our creative area which has really caught the children's eye. Some have spent extended periods of time making pictures with a range of shades of blue. 

The children were excited about 'treasure hunting' in the garden and were eager to dig in the sand to find shapes and numbers .

 Some of us enjoyed 'flick painting' outside. This allowed children to extend their trajectory (throwing, pushing or rolling) interest whilst also exploring how colours mix.

 We added sound boxes to our farmyard role play which allowed the children to listen to, and record animal noises of their own.

 The children were very excited to discover a toad in our garden! Most of the children were keen to look at the toad and asked lots of questions before helping Maria to find it a new home in the long grass.

All in all a great start to July and we look forward to seeing some of the new ideas that other Keyworkers will provide next week and throughout the month.