Friday 20 November 2015

Exploring textures during play!

We have been experimenting with mixing colours this week, using shaving foam and food colouring...
The children have really enjoyed getting messy, particularly by using their hands to mix the variety of colours together! 
Some children spent a very long time engaged within this activity- extending each other's imagination by re-creating experiences from their home-life. 

'I'm making strawberry milkshake, I have to mix the milk and strawberries together', M expresses. 
'Smell this, I've made a yummy hot chocolate', L expresses. 

Within our role play area this week, we have incorporated a selection of dry materials such as; pasta, rice and cereal. 
The children have really enjoyed exploring this with great interest, using available resources such as; plates, cups and cutlery to create meals for their friends.