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We will doing a variety of activities surrounding food; cooking, food tasting, fruit threading and access to a variety of food related books.
The plan for the week is as follows;
Monday: 0-2's and 2-3's will be doing "tastings" of; gherkins, olives, rice crackers, lemon curd and coconut milk. This will be done at the 10am and 2pm snack time.
Tuesday: 2-3 year olds will be making cheese and courgette muffins; the children who leave at 1pm can take theirs home and the rest will be served for their afternoon tea.
0-2 year olds will be making fruit smoothies.
Wednesday: 2-3 year olds will be making soup with vegetables brought in from home (if your child is in on Wednesday please bring in a vegetable!)
0-2 year olds will be making smoothies.
Thursday: 2-3s and some 0-2's will be visiting Combe Pafford in the afternoon to learn some sports day type games, weather dependant we will go out on the field or in the gym hall, we will then visit The Yellow Frog Café for a drink and snack before heading back to nursery for tea.
Friday: We will practise what we have learnt from Combe Pafford out in the garden.
Key group/ focus times are all set around food and are;
- The shopping list game
- The Greedy Gorilla game
- "Making dinner" activity
- Handa's surprise story sack
- "What's in your lunchbox" book with food tasting
- "Where does food come from?"
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Start to talk to your children about the foods you eat, where do they come from? Can you count how many fruit and vegetables you've had today? What food is healthy and what food is for treats only?
Keep an eye out next week for an update on how it has gone, and any feedback from the week would be much appreciated :)