We've been continuing our Autumnal activities this week, by inviting the children to explore pumpkins ...
They were fascinated and very eager to explore them. They discussed the smell, the shape and colour and what we could to do with them. They became very engaged in helping Charley scoop out the inside before carving their choice of face.
Our carved pumpkins were then displayed in our main hallway, with a little battery tea light inside. Many of the children enjoyed pointing them out to their parents and carers as they came into nursery each morning.
We also invited the children to create their own pumpkin collages, using a variety of materials such as; glue, coloured paper and card and coloured sand.
Our Art Wall has continued to interest the children. This week, we invited them to paint upon a selection of 3D objects, including; cereal boxes, tissue boxes and cardboard tubes. The children became very engrossed in their painting, ensuring that all of the objects were completely covered in paint.
Some children chose to extend their play by hiding small items, such as; pencils and bottle lids, in the different boxes.
Our Construction role play has also continued to interest the children, particularly as we've invited them to explore play dough within the area this week. Many children showed a great desire to manipulate the dough using the different builders' tools that were available, including; the hammer, the saw and the pliers. Others chose to use lolly pop sticks to make holes in their dough.