Friday, 18 November 2016

Week commencing 17.11.16

This week the children have been busy both indoors and outdoors exploring a variety of different activities. We have now made our role play area into a shop. The children have enjoyed using the till and playing shop keeper. Our friends have been selling lots of fruit and vegetables and have enjoyed talking about trips they have had to the shops with there Mummy's and Daddy's.


In the garden the children have been exploring mixing different materials for example saw dust, hay and sand. The children enjoyed transporting the mixtures to different areas of the garden, chatting whilst they played "I'm making a cake" one child said.

Inside the children enjoyed getting messy making marks in shaving foam. Shaving foam was added to a large mirror, the children using there fingers to create large scale marks. Throughout the week paint and glitter was added to the activity to extend children's play.

We have a had a few rainy days this week but we have made the most of it by finding all the puddles to jump in! Continuing to transport water from the water pump.

Please ensure that you have booked in for parents evening which is taking place Tuesday 29th November.