Friday 29 September 2017

A new term...

We've had a busy couple of weeks over on the 2-3s side, welcoming new children into the setting, as well as welcoming back our children who have returned from the summer holidays. 

We'd like to thank all of our new families for welcoming us into their home, while also being patient and understanding as their children have been settling in.  

The children have enjoyed accessing a variety of activities over the last few weeks. One of which involved building small towers and structures with wooden bricks, butter icing and shaving foam. 

Many children displayed good focus throughout this activity, demonstrating good control as they used the knife carefully and appropriately to spread the icing before adding bricks to create their small towers. 


Our 'Teddy Bears picnic' area has been a firm favourite too. Many children have frequently visited this area throughout their session while others have been eager to continue such play within their Key Group time. 


More recently, the children have been enjoying painting. They've spent time mixing colours together to see what other colours they can create ...