Wednesday 1 November 2017

A busy October ...

Well, we've certainly had a busy, busy month on the 2-3's side, exploring lot's of exciting activities and experiences focused around Autumn and the changes we see in our outdoor surroundings during this season! 


At the beginning of the month, our role play area was a very firm favourite with all of our children. With it being set up as an airport, all children enjoyed accessing the different resources available and acting out roles and situations relating to their own first-hand experiences. Many took on the role of pilot, flying their friends to destinations such as; the beach and Peppa Pig World. While others enjoyed packing their suitcase with holiday essentials such as; sunglasses, sun cream and plane tickets.  


Outside this month, the children have particularly enjoyed practising their physical abilities, using our wooden climbing equipment and various obstacle courses. Many demonstrated excellent balancing skills, using their arms to aid this. While others, sought support from their Key Workers to further develop their abilities.

The children have also continued to help care for our guinea pigs- by stroking them and ensuring that they have plenty of food, water and fresh bedding to keep them warm as the colder months draw in. 


Towards the end of October, we have been exploring all things Autumnal. We've enjoyed walks to the local woods, where we've been collecting a selection of leaves to bring back to nursery to create pictures with. 

During half term, we visited South Parks Allotment in Barton, where Sonia has her own plot. 
The children enjoyed spending time there, exploring what was growing while also helping Sonia tend to the soil and plant some seeds. 


We've also spent a couple of weeks investigating pumpkins. We've been lucky enough to grow some in our garden, which meant the children could help pick them and begin to carve and scoop out the centre of them. 
We also carried out a simple experiment, which involved combining baking powder, vinegar and washing up liquid in the pumpkin in order to create a volcano-like eruption. 

This sparked many exciting discussions around what and how it happened.