Wednesday 31 January 2018

January ...

Apologies for a very quiet blog recently....
It has been a very busy start to the New Year!
We've now welcomed Sarah and Maria into the 2-3s room, as well as a new group of children, who have spent the last couple of weeks settling into nursery and getting to know their Key Person.
In amongst all of that, the children have had some lovely opportunities to explore some exciting activities, planned for them by their key workers.
A particular favourite was this ...

Using bats to hit balloons hanging from the washing line.
The children demonstrated good hand eye coordination during this activity and became excited each time they managed to strike the balloon.
We continued this over a couple of weeks and extended the children's learning by adding rice and pasta into the balloons in order to create sounds as the balloons were hit.
Another favourite activity involved this ...

Looking at basic cause and effect, using blocks of ice and experimenting with ways to melt it.
The children were invited to observe the ice and were invited into discussions about: 'what it felt like?'
'what does frozen mean?'
'where can we freeze it?'
'how can we melt it?'
'what does melting mean?'
'what will happen if...?'
Mark making has also been a very firm favourite during the month, particularly during painting and drawing opportunities.
The children were invited to:
* Paint with tools such as; brushes, cotton buds, stamps and rollers.
* Draw with pencils, crayons, bingo dabbers and chalks.
*Mark make on a different surfaces such as; the floor and high and low level tables.