Friday 20 April 2018

W/C 09.04.18

This week in the 2-3's room we have been enjoying a variety of messy activities. The large tuff tray was set up with coloured shaving foam. Our friends investigated the foamy texture in different ways, some choosing to use tools to scoop whereas others decided to plunge there hands straight in. This was lots of fun!

Our friends have been using household boxes to create junk models. We used glue to stick on different materials.

Spring has sprung and the children have been loving the sunshine. Please ensure you have packed a hat in your child's bag during the hot weather. As we have over 90 families at the nursery please also ensure that you have written your child's name in hats. 

The children loved jumping into the sand pit in the sunshine....'ready, steady, go!'. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend :)