Friday 25 May 2018

Enjoying focussed activities

Over the last couple of weeks, there have been some fantastic structured activities going on within some of the children's key groups ...
The red group have been looking at the story of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. To begin with, Sonia and Maria shared the story with the children, looking at what happens within the story and anticipating what happens next. A particular interest for most children was the porridge- talking about how to make it and what would be needed etc.
With this, Sonia and Maria then planned to make porridge for another of their key group times, inviting the children to gather the ingredients they needed and make up their own bowls before having the opportunity to taste it.

Following on from this, the children were then supported to begin making props to represent familiar scenes from the story. The red group then plan to use these to act out their favourite parts from the book.

The green group have had a busy couple of weeks experimenting with a variety of simple science experiments.
These have included;
- Changing the colour of flowers using food colouring in water
- Creating telephones using plastic cups and string
- Investigating sound using rice on large drums

Some children have also been enjoying regular visits to Combe Pafford to engage in a variety of activities planned by their students.
This week, they were lucky enough to visit their goat and small animal enclosure and help to groom and feed them.