Tuesday 15 May 2018

Enjoying the outdoors ...

We're so fortunate to have such a wonderful outdoor environment that just recently, with the weather being as lovely as it has been, we've enjoyed spending lots of time outside.

Our mud kitchen area is always a very firm favourite with all. Here, children have the opportunity and the freedom to channel their imagination into messy role play.  They have a selection of pots, pans and utensils to choose from, which they enjoy using to gather natural materials from around the garden, such as; water, sand, mud and grass. 
We also invite them to add other materials such as; glitter, pasta and rice. 


Another firm favourite recently has involved looking around the outdoor environment and searching for bugs, using a set of binoculars. 

Talking about binoculars and what we can use them for has been a strong interest for a few of our children and this opportunity really extended their interest and allowed them to lead their own play when using them. 

Many children have also investigated using the climbing equipment and other resources to support their physical development.