Friday 4 May 2018

W/C 30.04.18

This week the children have been busy creating 'pizzas' using play dough. Our friends used tools such a cutters and rolling pins to create the pizza shape. They then added a variety of materials including lentils and dried pasta to mimic pizza toppings. 

We continued the shaving foam set up as the children demonstrated a particular interest to this activity the previous week. Our friends loved getting stuck in and messy. Mixing coloured paint with the soft foam. Adults extended the activity adding dried materials. 

Key group time....

The red group have been focussing on science this week, experimenting with different dry and wet materials.

Green group were busy practising there climbing skills in the garden as well as investigating the remote control bugs inside. 

The pink key group explored the sorting pots, separating a variety of items into the different coloured pots.

The yellow group have enjoyed looking at Turbo our African land snail along with doing a bug hunt in the garden. 

The silver group investigated the 'animal boogie' story sack, and discussed different animals. 

Snaps from the week...